Update – Victims Services consultation dispute
The PSA attended the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) on 7 February 2022 for a Report Back to Commissioner O’Sullivan regarding the current consultation dispute proceedings which we reported on in our last Bulletin to members found HERE.
Ten minutes before the commencement of the IRC Report Back, the PSA received brief correspondence and multiple attachments from the department which meant that neither the PSA nor the IRC Commissioner had an opportunity to review for discussion during the IRC proceedings on 7 February 2022.
Your union expressed our concern that Victims Services (VS) had failed to comply with the two IRC directions dated 17 January 2022.
We emphasised that this demonstrated an ongoing disregard by VS to meet its legal obligations to consult with the PSA and our members under the Award regarding workplace changes.
VS was represented by an Employee Relations (ER) officer however as before, there was no attendance by any VS management representative at this important IRC listing.
The Commissioner was informed by the ER representative that due to a combination of a ‘notetaking error’ and circumstances beyond their control that firstly, they had responded to the wrong PSA correspondence and secondly, that they were unable to comply yet with the second direction to meet with the PSA and discuss ways to improve consultation with the PSA and our members.
The matter has been stood over for further Report Back to the IRC on Thursday 3 March 2022.
The PSA will provide an update to members following the next IRC listing.
The strength of the union is determined by its membership and delegates in the workplace. If you are interested in a role, or participating in any way, please contact your PSA staff: