UrbanGrowth NSW member update
UrbanGrowth NSW member update – June 2017 (PDF version)
As part of regular consultation meetings regarding the separation of Urban Growth NSW, the PSA met with HR representatives on Tuesday 13 June.
The meeting discussed the following matters:
There is still no specific date for separation. HR assured the PSA it would be officially moving staff and assets that are transferring at the same time, and not in “dribs and drabs”.
HR is informing us no decisions have been made on roles or structures as yet.
HR is still not in a position to confirm what conditions of employment will apply to UGDC. The PSA restated its position that no staff transferring over should face a loss of any conditions.
Whilst no decisions are being made, discussions around arrangements for any staff that may be required to relocate were had. Options such as flexible work practices (working remotely) will be explored.
Whilst HR is giving assurances no other decisions have been made, some members have reported concerns this may not be the case. If you believe that things are being implemented in contrary to the above you can also contact Industrial Manager Nathan Bradshaw at .
The PSA will be holding a members meeting on Friday 23 June for members to raise any specific concerns or issues.
Friday 23 June
Executive Boardroom, Martin Place
Video Conference: Parramatta and Newcastle members will be able to connect via their board rooms.