Victims Services: Joint Consultative Committee agenda
JCC Agenda - March 2021 (PDF version)
Thank you to all the members who attended the March Victims’ Services member meeting. The issues raised at the meeting have been listed as agenda items for our next Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting with the Commissioner of Victims Rights.
The agenda items are as follows:
- Results for People Matters Employee Survey The PSA would like to discuss the results and what the plan is moving forward. Members are concerned that addressing the issues in the PMES results hasn’t been prioritised by management.
- Culture Change Project The PSA would like an update as to where this is at. In particular, members would like to know what is being done in Victims Services with senior management in terms of changing the culture. In particular, how is walk the talk progressing?
- Restructure concerns of members with recent recruitment only appointing people on temporary basis Roles are changing in regards to amount of work with no commensurate remuneration. There are positions filled by temporary employees, although the work is ongoing. Also there seems to be variation between teams as to how acting up arrangements are made.
- Working from Home Guidelines and clarification for exemptions There are inconsistencies between teams as to how exemptions are managed.
- Sick leave process when working from home There are inconsistencies between managers as to the requirements of advising of sick leave with some managers seeking staff video call their manager.
Members will receive a further bulletin once the JCC meeting has occurred.
Your PSA staff
Monika Wunderlin PSA Industrial Officer
Alex Sala PSA Organiser
A union workplace is a fairer workplace.
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