We want to hear from you! Destination NSW draft Change Management Plan - Public Service Association

We want to hear from you! Destination NSW draft Change Management Plan

Today the PSA was in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) in regard to the current restructuring. We had initially lodged a dispute in regard to Destination NSW (DNSW) putting two Executive roles out for recruitment just prior to the provision of the Change Management Plan. We expressed the view that as these roles will impact the current restructure, and thus should be included in the consultation process. Whilst the Commissioner would not halt the recruitment process, as DNSW representatives advised the roles were unlikely to be filled before the new year, he did advise that the parties should meet to discuss the impact of these roles.

The PSA also advised the IRC that we have major concerns, having now received the CMP, about the lack of Role Descriptions which we advised were essential to understanding this pending new structure. We sought that the process be put on hold until we had all relevant information and that this would enable us to provide an informed view to these changes. The PSA made particular reference to the massive impact on staff, including very substantial losses of positions at certain grades and the possible follow on effect to other roles.

The Commissioner again pressed that the parties meet (this will occur on Wednesday 8 December) and we will report back to him on Thursday 9 December morning in terms of how we have progressed. The Commissioner will then consider whether or not to recommend an extension to the CMP consultation process.

The PSA met with members last week to seek their initial feedback on the draft CMP, and some of these initial concerns where provided to DNSW.

The PSA is currently working on submitting a detailed response, and is seeking further feedback from Members in this regard. Feedback is due Friday evening 10 December, if you have written feedback you would like to be included please email your Organiser Amy Lennox at

If you have concerns about the draft CMP which you would like to discuss with your union you are invited to attend a further member meeting via Teams, Thursday 9 December from 5pm.

Click here to join the meeting

If you have been speaking with colleague’s who share your concerns and have been tossing up getting involved and joining the PSA, there’s no time like the present and you are welcome to invite them to attend Thursday’s meeting.

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