Your questions answered: Transport for NSW members’ meeting update
The PSA Transport for NSW members’ meeting took place on Thursday 1 June.
Due to the overwhelming turnout, we will hold these meetings monthly from now on. The next meeting will be on Thursday 6 July from 12:30pm-1:30pm. Please feel free to bring along potential members. You can register HERE.
Members were addressed by Nicole Jess, PSA President; Dylan Smith, Industrial Manager; Anne Kennelly, Senior Organiser and your Transport Industrial Staff, Izzy Maish and Latu Sailosi.
Thank you for your questions. We have collated them and have done our best to get to them all. If your question has been missed, or you would like more information, please contact Organiser Izzy Maish at . You can also ask your question at the next members’ meeting.
Q: Will the PSA advocate for the abolition of the GSE Act?
A: Yes.
Q: Do the current pay negotiations also include free travel (Opal)?
A: Yes. You can see our Log of Claims HERE.
Q: Are there negotiations for the former RMS staff still on USS grades?
A: Yes, these negotiations are for the RMS Salaried Award and the TfNSW Award.
Q: Will PSA advocate for no forced redundancies?
A: Yes, the no forced redundancies clause on the RMS Dissolution Act is due to expire soon. We are working with Unions NSW to make representations to the Minister to see this extended.
Q: With the level of burnout that is being experienced, the idea of an ‘efficiency dividend’ – basically cutting staff – is ridiculous. I’m a mental health first aider and the impact of burnout, loss of experienced staff then having to rehire people to do those jobs (sometimes without capability) is causing an enormous strain.
A: TfNSW is being opaque about its vacancy data. We are in discussions with HR at the moment in order to obtain the numbers. The PSA has a clear position of supporting secure ongoing work over temporary and contingent labour. However, given the amount of forfeited flex across Transport, we need more, not fewer staff. We strongly oppose forced redundancies, and your job will be fought for by the PSA if any cuts are proposed.
Q: Is PSA aware that TFNSW is implementing GPS trackers in the fleet cars? What is the status on this?
A: Yes, we are currently consulting with TfNSW about the use of telematics. HERE is a Q&A document about the policy. Please reach out if you have any questions and we will pose them to TfNSW.
Q: What happens to all those award consistency negotiations if RMS is stripped out of Transport with MOG?
A: At the moment, we have to work with what the current structures. If there is a decluster, we will still have to ensure RMS workers are being paid appropriately and conditions of employment maintained
Q: Are paid ADOs being continued for RMS staff award?
A: TfNSW had undertaken to not strip back any of the existing award provisions, so these should be rolled over to the next award.
Q: The definition of carer should be looked at. For example, assuming that a child or frail elderly doesn’t need a carer present if they are in hospital is ridiculous given the low staffing levels; assuming that the vulnerable person can even use a buzzer. I was told I had to take ‘stress leave’ to care for my mother when she was in that position.
A: The PSA has successfully represented members who have had similar situations as it is ‘Care and Support’. In the meantime, if you need support, please do not hesitate to call the Member Support Centre on 1800 772 679.
Q: I notice admin grade 4&5 roles being undertaken by level 6 Business Support Officer roles. Is TfNSW looking to phase out grades 4&5?
A: We have not been notified of the intention to do this. However, we will notify members if the Department enters into consultation with the PSA about this. In theory, all work is at the appropriate grade for its given role due to the requirement that all roles within the NSW Public Sector are evaluated through an accredited job evaluation. In the meantime, if you are sent anything by TfNSW about this, please let us know.
Q: What is the proposed approach to reducing temporary contracts and creating more permanent roles? Will existing temporary staff be converted?
A: The PSA General Secretary has directed all Industrial Staff to raise through all Public Sector agency Consultative Committees to provide the PSA with a list of all Temporary Employees and Contingent Labour Hire. This is to include the position title, location within the Department and the timeline for each position and will be a standing item at each JCC moving forward. The new government was elected on a mandate to create more permanent jobs and we will continue to put the pressure on the government to make sure that this happens.
Q: We need to ensure that the appropriate systems are in place to enable us to make use of conditions. Transport Equip (SAP) is never able to actually implement flex provisions without a call to HR, which never results in the system being upgraded. It’s costing people the chance to use the flex they have.
A: Yes, more than 30,000 hours of flex has been forfeited over the past quarter. The fact that this system is so user-unfriendly does not help matters. This will be raised in the next forfeited flex working group. Please reach out to me if you have any issues with accessing your flex in the meantime.
Q: It would be good if all new starters had a meet and greet with our union rep.
A: Exactly! We are working on getting into as many inductions as possible, but TfNSW is being incredibly evasive. If you know of any inductions or training sessions happening, please let Izzy know at .
Q: Do we have a JCC forum?
A: Yes, we do, let Izzy know if you would like to submit any agenda items.
Q: Is there a PSA Yammer Group?
A: Yes, delegate Gary Sladden set one up. You can find it HERE.