Your Term 2 PSA SAS Staff update: Long-term temps, WBS/IO and more!
In this update
- Long Term Temporary (LTT) SAS Staff Permanency
- No Contract offered for 2021 – LTT SAS Staff
- SLSO Student Health Support (SHS) Transition
- Chemical Safety in Schools
- WBS/IO Solution
- Engaging staff Covid-19 Intensive Learning Support (ILS) Program
- Additional workload for administrative Staff due to Covid-19 related tasks
- EdConnect purchase order (PO) issue – No PO/No Pay policy
Term 2, new staff, new members – join up your colleagues today
If you know someone who is not a member, or have any new starters at your school, now is the time to invite them to be part of the PSA by joining at
Don’t forget that PSA Organisers are essential visitors. To organise a PSA meeting in your school contact your organiser or the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
LTT SAS Staff permanency
Following the union’s conversion push in 2020, a large number of LTT SAS Staff contacted the PSA to seek assistance. Many LTT members were successful in gaining conversion through this process as a result of the union’s support.
A number of PSA members from across NSW contacted the union seeking assistance to have their declined conversion taken to the appeals panel as set out in the 2012 Determination and were fully supported through this process.
The PSA and your Schools Departmental Committee (DC) delegates are still extremely concerned about the huge volumes of LTT SAS Staff, particularly SLSOs, working in schools and will consider what further steps we can take as part of the Worth 100% Campaign to a remedy to the ongoing permanency issue at the next Schools DC meeting in June.
No contract offered for 2021 – LTT SASS members
In February 2021 the PSA lodged an Omnibus Unfair Dismissal Application with the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) on behalf of 13 LTT members who were unable to secure a further contract for 2021. All had varying service histories, all with more than three years, many with more than 10 and in one instance more than 20 years with the Department. Conciliation conferences were held on 23rd, 29th and 30th March 2021 in the IRC.
Following conciliations in the Commission, all matters were satisfactorily resolved.
The PSA also secured an offer of a permanent School Administrative Officer (SAO) position for a long-term member with back pay. The member started in the new position day 1 term 2 and is very happy with the outcome.
Several of the members’ applications were withdrawn prior to the IRC as they had been offered LTT School Learning Support Officer (SLSO) contracts with local schools for 2021.
It is important that where members have been employed continuously for more than 12 months and are not offered a renewed contract for the next term or school year, they contact the PSA for advice as to whether they could seek a severance payment with the support of the union. Call the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
Remember, the PSA is only able to support members with conversion and contract issues. It is more important than ever to JOIN the union.
SLSO SHS Transition
The PSA has repeatedly sought an update on the transition of the SLSO (Student Health Support) classification. The Department of Education (DoE) had agreed to meet with PSA during term one 2021 to begin consultation on the transition but this did not occur. Your union raised with DoE the slow pace in commencing consultation on this matter at the Schools Joint Consultative Committee on 22 March 2021.
As part of the consultation we will be raising, along with the transitional arrangements for individual staff, the training to be provided to SLSO SHS. The PSA will work closely with your delegates on the Special Education Working Group (SEWG) and the Schools DC throughout the consultation period.
Chemical safety in schools
In 2019, the PSA and our SAO Science Delegates raised the drastically out-of-date Chemical Safety in Schools processes and training. Since that time we have been working with SAO Science and General Assistant Delegates to consult with the Department on updated materials, training and documentation.
On 1 April three PSA Delegates attended a meeting with DoE representatives to be provided an update on the CSIS project and information on the updated training. The Department is now entering phase two of this process and the Association will continue to provide feedback to DoE.
A number of DoE Webinars have been released on this and the PSA encourages members to register and attend at
The progress we have been able to make on CSIS is down to the dedication of our SAO Science and other Delegates and will have a significant impact on the safety of all SAS Staff when working with chemicals whether they be the household variety, used in maintenance or science labs in high schools.
WBS/IO solution
The PSA wrote to the DoE Chief Financial Officer on 24 February 2021 requesting the department consult with the PSA regarding the COVID-19 ILS program and any others (such as 6101 Funds) in relation to the use of the WBS/IO solution.
The PSA, along with Schools DC Delegates, held a meeting on 31 March to consider a proposed solution for schools’ financial reporting requirements for the Covid ILS program.
The Department agreed to send a communication to schools immediately outlining the resolutions to PSA delegates concerns in relation to the WBS/IO Solution and specifically the Covid ILS Program. This is a significant result for those responsible for this work which was brought about by the hard work of your delegates and the PSA.
The PSA reminds members that there are two options for tracking casual salaries associated with COVID-19 ILS and 6101 funds:
Option 1 Use the WBS/IO Solution – DoE-preferred method
Option 2 Post monthly journals if the WBS/IO Solution is not used
Engaging staff COVID ILS Program
The Department also provided the PSA with proposed guidelines for engaging staff for the program titled: Engaging a School Learning Support Officer (SLSO) using the Covid Intensive Learning Support program funding: A guide for principals.
The document was circulated to the PSA Schools DC executive members for comment and feedback and we will report back to members if any issues arise.
Additional workload for School Administrative Staff due to COVID-related tasks
Delegates and members from numerous schools across the state contacted the PSA about the increase in workload that had resulted from COVID-related tasks.
The PSA wrote to the Department on 15 March 2021 seeking an urgent meeting with both Deputy Secretaries School Performance to discuss the allocation of funds to schools to engage additional staffing resources to deal with this monumental task.
The department responded on 1 April 2021, coincidently on the last day of term 1 just prior to the two-week school break. The response discounted the issues raised by the PSA and stated:
“We do not accept that ensuring safe systems and practices for working and learning, constitute additional workload.”
The response highlights that DoE Senior Officers are disconnected from the realities of the school environment. The PSA will discuss the Department’s unsatisfactory feedback on this issue at the next PSA Schools DC Executive meeting and will continue to monitor the issues now that many restrictions have eased.
EdConnect No PO/No Pay Policy
PSA staff and delegates met with a contingent of senior DoE personnel last week, to air concerns about processes for payment to suppliers, to be enforced from 23 April.
Although the Department would like to see all payments compliant with the existing policy (purchase orders must be raised prior to the vendor submitting an invoice to EdConnect OR payment with PCard), Delegates gave many examples where neither of these options are viable. The Department representatives conceded there will always be exceptions, and gave assurance no supplier will not be paid due to an invoice being submitted by the school, or the PO being created retrospectively.