POVB bulletin – visits
The POVB Executive met with Assistant Commissioner Corcoran and representatives from the Command Post to discuss the reintroduction of contact visits. Also present were representatives from COVB and SEAG.
The information given to us so far:
- Discussions have taken place with Governors, Managers of Security and Functional Managers of centres
- Discussions have taken place with IDC representatives
- Consultation should have taken place with local union representation. All concerns and questions should be raised in this forum
- Legislation was changed to prohibit visits until March 2021
- CSNSW wants to do a slow progression back to the resumption of pre-COVID visits in March 2021. This is only if there is no COVID outbreaks and dependant on NSW Health Advice
- All states, apart from Victoria, have returned to some form of contact visits. Darwin is back to normal visits, Queensland, SA, Tasmania are back with restrictions on numbers and COVID precautions. Victoria is returning to a restricted visits regime on 1 December 2020
- CSNSW still wants legal visits to preferably be conducted via AVL
- CSNSW is working on communication to staff and signage for visitors and inmates
- CSNSW is working on the final requirements for visits. We have asked that the COVID visit plan be presented at the Delegates to Management Meeting on 18 November 2020. CSNSW has agreed to this
- CSNSW stated it is aware that there may be concerns about PPE and it has assured us it has 35 million masks available for the reintroduction of visits.
- The Command Post was adamant it does not want centres stretching resources to accommodate both AVL and Contact Visits. It is advised that it should be one or the other not both at the same time.
- Visitors will wear a mask and be questioned on the general COVID questions. They will be required to sanitise before the visit and on cessation of the visit.
- Visits are only to be for a 30-minute time period. Centres are NOT to go for any longer
- Body scanners are being placed in all Maximum and Medium centres around the state in tranches. The POVB Executive is meeting with CSNSW next week to discuss this matter
- CSNSW is putting together a frequently asked questions and this will be on the intranet for staff to peruse in the COVID section. We encourage members to email any concerns or questions to the Command Post for answering.
All concerns that have been raised with the POVB Executive were tabled today to the Command Post as well as motions that have been tabled from sub branches and from the Delegates to Management Meeting in July 2020.
These motions will be addressed by the Command Post next week at the Delegates to Management meeting.
We would like all Delegates, who are attending the Delegates to Management meeting, to survey their membership for all concerns and questions so they can be presented to the POVB Executive at the Delegates to Management meeting next week for discussion. All questions will be given to the representation from the Command Post for a response.
Contact details
Nicole Jess Chairperson
0427 609 199
Jason Charlton Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976
Amanda Cotter Secretary
0404 042 600
Thor Sutherland Assistant Secretary
0447 633 476
Darren King Country Vice Chair
0407 935 039
Natalie Howes Country Vice Chair
0407 011 441
David McCauley POVB Industrial Officer
0419 022 767
David Bartle POVB Industrial Officer
0418 425 976
Trish O’Brien Welfare Officer
0412 120 391