Art Gallery of NSW accommodation changes
On Wednesday 21 October, PSA delegates were briefed on the upcoming accommodation changes as part of the Accommodation Committee.
Members should be advised that there will be:
- significant and ongoing change to your workspaces, including the reinstatement and increase of hot-desking in Upper Level Offices
- staff temporarily relocating offsite to Artspace
- the removal of desks from the Conservation Lab
- relocation of Object Conservation
- the temporary occupation of meeting rooms as workspaces (for Photography, ICT & AV) and office service relocation (printing, stationery etc.).
Remember – raise your concerns with your WHS worker representatives so they can be discussed at your Work, Health and Safety Committee meeting on Friday 11 December. The agenda needs to be set up to a fortnight prior, please be mindful of submitting concerns for them to be addressed or tabled for the WHS committee meeting.
Significantly, not all staff can be accommodated onsite for the next 12 months during the building refurbishment project.
If you are directed to work from home due to not having a workspace available, please refer to your entitlements as per section 43 of the Crown Employees Award (see below). For further advice, call the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
- Room at Home Used as Office
43.1 Where no Departmental office is provided in a particular location – Where it is impractical to provide an office in a particular location, staff members stationed in such a location may be required to use a spare room at their home as an office. In such cases, the Department will be responsible for providing furniture, telephone and other equipment, as required. In addition, an allowance as specified in Item 12 of Table 1 – Allowances of Part B Monetary Rates is payable for the use of a room at home as an office.
43.2 Where an office exists in a particular location – Where a Departmental office or offices already exist in a particular location but the staff member and the manager agree that the staff member could work from home on a short term or longer term basis, the arrangement shall be negotiated in accordance with the provisions of the Flexible Work Practices, Policy and Guidelines. The allowance set out in subclause 43.1 of this clause shall not apply in these circumstances.
43.3 Requirements – Arrangements under subclauses 43.1 or 43.2 of this clause shall be subject to:
43.3.1 A formal agreement being reached in respect of the hours to be worked; and
43.3.2 The occupational health and safety, provision of equipment requirements and any other relevant conditions specified in Part 2, Section 7 Working from Home in the Flexible Work Practices, Policy and Guidelines
Position grade evaluation and business cases
In discussions with gallery management on Monday 26 October, the PSA sought clarification on the process of re-evaluating grades of roles. Management confirmed there was a clear process for this, and that all staff can ask their manager to support their role grade being reviewed. If supported, managers are required include these reviews in their annual business cases.
If you have asked for your position grade to be reassessed and your manager has not responded, you can speak to the People and Culture department, or follow the Art Gallery of NSW Grievance and Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure.
Should you require further assistance, email your excellent PSA Delegates. Alternatively, call the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
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