CSNSW – Community Corrections Dispute – Field Officers
The PSA has lodged an industrial dispute with the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) against Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) in respect of CSNSW’s failure to convert Community Corrections Field Officers from casual to ongoing positions.
A request was made to CSNSW to convert these positions because the employment of Field Officers does not match the definition of casual employment under clause 43 of the Government Sector Employment Act.
Casual employment is employment to carry out irregular, intermittent, short-term, urgent or other work as and when required.
Members have been frustrated with the continual response from CSNSW that ‘Operations are under review’.
Thank you to your PSA delegates in driving this matter and we will continue to push for a fair and proper outcome.
PSA delegates
PSA Staff
David Bartle (Senior Industrial Officer – )
Chris Auld (Organiser – ">)