RMS Surveillance Officers bulletin
RMS – Surveillance Officers bulletin – April 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA received the RMS submissions regarding 8.5 per cent loading matter as part of the Chief Industrial Magistrate’s directions on the Thursday 16 March.
Surprisingly, the RMS has done a complete 180 degree turn and now submits the Surveillance Officer position does not meet any of the requirements for the loading.
At the directions hearing on Thursday 22 March, the PSA asserted the requirements for conciliation had been met via the previous s.130 dispute, which ended in no agreement; discussions of an offer that was later retracted and; the PSA seeking a certificate of Failed Conciliation. Accordingly, scheduling of dates for hearing was appropriate.
Due to the PSA lawyers requiring more than one day for hearings, the Registrar was unable to provide those dates and the parties were required to meet with the Magistrate on Tuesday 27 March in order to finalise those proceedings.
At those proceedings the PSA and RMS lawyers sought to phase the matters into establishment of the entitlement, followed by the quantum of monies owed. This was done in order to limit the risks and costs associated to litigation.
Accordingly, dates were scheduled for hearing on 20-21 August 2018.
The PSA has been made aware that not all Surveillance Officer Members have received the previous bulletins. The PSA is endeavouring to update these lists. If you or a colleague haven’t received these bulletins, contact the PSA Member Support Centre to update your details. The important number to mention is class P-359.