NSW Treasury – PDPs raise concerns - Public Service Association

NSW Treasury – PDPs raise concerns

NSW Treasury – PDPs raise concerns – October 2018 (PDF version)

The PSA has concerns with how the Performance Development Plans (PDP) process is being managed in Treasury.

The PDP should be a ‘living’ document involving regular discussion between management and the staff member. There should be no ‘surprises’ from one discussion to the next and the document should not be used to manage poor performance.

If a manager considers a staff member is lacking in any area, they should be specific about what the issue is and be able to provide evidence to support their opinion.

There may not be complete agreement on a particular issue but there should be agreement on the way to move forward. A process that does not include the opportunity for a staff member to respond or sign off does not afford them procedural fairness and leaves the process open to serious abuse by management.

It may be that managers simply don’t know the proper processes but information provided to the PSA indicates that Treasury is circumventing proper process.

Guidelines for the PDP process can be found on the Public Service Commission website HERE.

And reference guides for applying the Framework can be found HERE.

The PSA has sought urgent consultation on this issue with Management agreeing to meet on Friday, 5 October.

The PSA is in the process of collating instances where it appears the PDP process is not being properly implemented. If you or any colleagues have concerns with how your PDP is being managed, please contact the PSA at your earliest opportunity. If your colleagues are not PSA members suggest they join now!

Safeguard your Rights at Work – join the PSA online HERE.

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