PSA and Powerhouse in the paper
PSA and Powerhouse in the paper – November 2018 (PDF version)
Artist impression of the new Powerhouse Museum
The Powerhouse Museum move
The PSA is continuing to listen to and liaise with members about the potential move of the Powerhouse Museum to Parramatta. At the most recent members’ meeting, members unanimously agreed that:
- Parramatta deserves their own cultural institution that can exist alongside the Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo
- The Powerhouse Museum should not move due to the buildings inherent heritage value
- The Powerhouse Museum should not move due to the great expense to tax payers.
The next members’ meeting is Tuesday 13 November from 12:00pm in the Charles Kerry Room. We encourage members to come along and have their say on this important issue ahead of the state election. Biscuits will be provided.
The People Matter Survey results
At the most recent members’ meeting, members expressed disappointment with the results of the most recent People Matter Survey.
Notably, members were disappointed with the 32% rate of bullying at the Museum and 16% approval of the grievance dispute process. The PSA takes these results very seriously.
On request of the members, the PSA will be seeking a response to these results at the next Joint Consultative Committee. Pending the response, the PSA will look to making this a standing item.
Observatory guides
The PSA is currently investigating the pay and conditions of the Observatory Guides. The PSA has requested further information from Human Resources as to the reasoning behind the lack of penalty rates, and the reasoning for the rostering of split shifts. The issue will be raised at the next Joint Consultative Committee on behalf of members.
Powerhouse and PSA in the paper
The Powerhouse Museum has featured in the Sydney Morning Herald. PSA Senior Industrial Officer Kerrie Butson (who took charge of the Visitor Services Officer back pay case) is quoted discussing the need for consistent, onsite maintenance staff. Read the article HERE.
At the end of November, the PSA will be holding a BBQ at the Powerhouse Museum. Stay tuned for the date. All members are invited to attend (and of course, bring a colleague to have them join the PSA!)
Please contact Davis Murphy at if you have any concerns or questions to raise at the Powerhouse Museum.