Taronga: rightful entitlements during the COVID-19 pandemic
Since the announcement of the closure to the public of Taronga Zoo, the PSA has been working tirelessly to ensure you receive your rightful entitlements during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The PSA was instrumental in the Zoo’s change in position regarding all casual employees who were stood down and permanent staff directed home on ‘coronavirus leave’.
On 24 March 2020, the PSA wrote to the Zoo’s Executive raising concerns as to the way in which the Zoo was attempting to stand down casual staff and asking other staff to stay at home for one week using ‘coronavirus leave’. The PSA followed this up with a bulletin to members: Taronga: temporary closure.
On 26 March 2020, the PSA’s position was supported in an all staff broadcast by Mr Cameron Kerr advising all staff:
“Our world as we know it is experiencing so much change and at a rapid pace, at Taronga we are striving to keep up with these changes to ensure our people are given the right information. This includes information relating to employment arrangements. Over the last day, we have received new advice from our employing agency, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, on employment arrangements, which is slightly different information to what I communicated on Wednesday.”
The PSA will continue to pursue the rights of PSA members where the workplace is closed. Flexible work arrangements should be considered whether it be working from home or from another location. Where work is unable to be provided to these workers, they are to be paid as normal and are to be placed on paid special leave for both permanent and casual staff.
We need permanent, temporary and casual workers to stand together and support each other through these difficult times. The PSA is your union.
The way to forward is to talk to your work colleagues, irrespective of what classification they are, as to the importance of a unionised workforce.
If you know someone who is not a member, they can and should join here today: www.psa.asn.au.
Talk to your delegates, or contact the PSA’s Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
Your Delegates
Taronga Zoo
Claudia Bianchi
Toby Johnson
Simon Faithfull
Dubbo Zoo
Joel Kerr
Kevin Milton