Second wave of Customer Engagement Integration: Long Service Leave Corporation (LSLC) and Liquor and Gaming
The following is a report back from the last Restructure Joint Consultative Committee meeting with the Department on 15 October 2020. This has been the ongoing consultative process with the Department for the Machinery of Government changes that formed the Department in 2019
The PSA has been provided with the presentation that was given to staff in LSLC and L&G in relation to the second wave of the Customer Engagement Integration, which will see the transfer of identified staff over to Service NSW.
The first wave, which was concluded in July 2020, saw a large number of staff transfer from Revenue NSW and NSW Fair Trading. This had come out of a much earlier review that was initiated at the beginning of the Department.
Consultation has begun this week with regards to the Transition Management Plan (TMP). It will be a similar process as to the first wave; that is, staff not wanting to transition will be offered a voluntary redundancy.
Staff transitioning to Service NSW will receive full salary maintenance where applicable, as the Service NSW roles are at a lower remuneration than the Administration and Clerk Grade Scale equivalents.
Affected members should also be mindful that roles being transferred into do not have access to the DCS (DFSI) Flexible Working Hours Agreement.
The PSA will arrange member meetings over the next couple of weeks prior to the consultation period ending to discuss any issues in relation to the proposed TMP.
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