Government Salaries offer: Have your say
Following on from our bulletin last week we can report the PSA has now lodged its Salaries Application for 2021. Our claim is for 2.5 per cent (2.04 per cent in salary and salary-related allowances plus the legislated 0.5 per cent superannuation increase), the maximum allowable under the Government’s Wages Cap Regulation.
However, as we mentioned last week, the PSA has received an offer of 1.5 per cent from the Government. This consists of just 1.04 per cent in the way of an increase to salaries, plus the 0.5 per cent superannuation increase.
If you would like input on how to respond to this offer, please follow the link below:
Last year we received just 0.3 per cent by way of a salary increase.
The past year highlighted the value of the work that you do as public sector workers were on the front line, protecting the community through fires, floods and the pandemic.
We feel the Government has once again failed to respect you and the job you do.