Legal Aid: PSA Day of Action: Wednesday 8 June 2022 - Public Service Association

Legal Aid: PSA Day of Action: Wednesday 8 June 2022

Last week, the PSA held its Annual Conference, in which delegates and members overwhelmingly supported the PSA’s campaign for a fair wage increase.  As a result, a motion was passed endorsing a state-wide, 24-hour stop work on Wednesday 8 June 2022, for all members working across the NSW Public Sector.

The motion passed by delegates states that in the event that the PSA does not receive a wage offer that addresses inflation and the cost of living by COB Monday 6 June 2022, this meeting endorses a campaign of industrial action to commence on 8 June 2022.

Reasons for our stop work

The Perrottet Government has continued to refuse to rescind its unfair and unjust workplace laws that cap wage rises at 2.5 per cent. As its wages policy also includes any federally legislated superannuation increases, this means its policy allows for a wage rise of just 2.04 per cent and a 0.5 per cent rise in Superannuation. The current rate of inflation is 5.1 per cent. The Perrottet Government already cut wages in 2020 by capping wage rises to 0.03 per cent for NSW Public Sector Workers. A wage rise of 2.04 per cent in 2022 will mean an effective pay cut of 3.16 per cent.

The Public Sector Needs a Pay Rise

In 2011, the NSW Liberal-National Government introduced the NSW Public Sector Wages Policy. This means whenever the PSA lodges a pay claim, the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) is limited by law to awarding no more than 2.5 per cent, no matter how strong our case. Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe warned in 2019 that public sector pay caps are entrenching low wage growth and wanted them lifted to at least three per cent.

The NSW Government must remove the cap on Public Sector wages. If wages fail to keep pace with inflation, the NSW Government will oversee an enormous drop in living standards for the people of our state. As the largest employer in the state, it’s well past time for the Perrottet Government to act.

Stop Work Wednesday 8 June 2022

All members across the PSA will be taking industrial action on 8th June 2022. All PSA members across Legal Aid are directed to follow the above motion and support the 24-hour stop work on Wednesday 8 June 2022.  PSA members will be rallying in Hyde Park Sydney before marching to Macquarie Street to make our claim heard.

Further details are available HERE.

What happens when I stop work?

You will not be paid for the time that you have ceased work.


If you know anyone who is not a member who would like to join the campaign to seek a fair and reasonable pay rise, ask them to join the PSA today at to ensure they can participate in the PSA Day of Action.

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