Housing Contact Centre: Return to office 2022 - Public Service Association

Housing Contact Centre: Return to office 2022

In December 2020 the Housing Contact Centre (HCC) management released a HCC Future Directions Transition Model document to all staff. Your PSA HCC Delegates also wrote to members seeking feedback on this proposal prior to meeting with Deputy Secretary (Housing, Disability and District Services) Paul Vevers in early 2021.

At this consultation meeting, the Department advised that while it would not involve a return to the office full-time, it would require a greater number of shifts than originally proposed to be worked in the office.

However, during the second half of this year, the Department advised the PSA that when staff started to return to the office, it would be for 1-in-20 shifts to be worked in the office.

After the HCC Director distributed a video recording to all HCC staff advising the new return to office plan will commence on 18 February 2022, the PSA sought further information about the proposed return to the office and has indicated the need to meet about the proposal. As soon as we receive the details of the proposal, we will consult with all our members in the HCC and your views, concerns and suggestions will form the substance of our negotiations with the Department.

Additional Recreation Leave payment

Some members such as Team Leaders and Assistant Project Officers received payment for additional Recreation Leave at the end of last year and were subsequently advised by the Department that payment was made in error. The PSA has pursued this issue with the Department for most of the year without any result or even a proper reply from the Department about this issue.

Subsequently, the PSA has lodged a dispute with the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW (IRC) and this dispute is listed for compulsory conference on Monday 20 December.

Changes to Rosters, start times and RDOs

The PSA has taken up the issue of changes to rosters, start times and RDOs at short notice and without consultation. We have not yet received a reply to our concerns and on this matter will also be seeking the assistance of the IRC.

Members who have had this happen to them are encouraged to contact our Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 for assistance with their circumstances.

HCC agreement

Members would be aware that the “current” agreement is quite old and there have been a number of attempts over the years to negotiate an agreement that is reflective of current practices and conditions.

At a preliminary meeting with Delegates, PSA staff and the Department on Monday we agreed to establish a timetable for discussing and negotiating an agreement. Meetings will be held monthly, commencing at the end of February next year. By the beginning of the month we are aiming to provide the Department with information about what issues we would like to progress/update in the agreement and to receive from the Department the issues they would like to include.

More information will be sent out shortly about how members can have their say and important input into the issues we will seek to include and how they should be prioritised.

Regional staff, attendance at team meetings and travel costs

In the last few months the HCC has recruited a number of staff from regional NSW, creating a greater diversity of staff and a greater appreciation for it clients across NSW. During this time a number of NSW Public Servants have also chosen to move to other parts of the state. It must be noted members who have moved since the lockdown will be required to pay for their own costs to attend their monthly team meetings, training, etc. Wendy Keith advised the PSA that those regional staff engaged through recruitment will have travel and/or accommodation costs met by the HCC.

PSA welcomes you back in 2022

Your PSA Delegates are currently making arrangements for members returning to the office and look forward to catching up with old and the new faces alike.

We wish you a safe and happy holiday!

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