PSA to request copies of surveys: Caseworker Development Program - we would love your feedback - Public Service Association

PSA to request copies of surveys: Caseworker Development Program – we would love your feedback


The Office of the Senior Practitioner (OSP) has recently sent out a survey regarding the Caseworker Development Program (CDP). This is a good opportunity for new caseworkers and managers who have supported new caseworkers to provide feedback and evaluation on the current CDP.

The Public Service Association (PSA) has been advocating for supportive and reasonable training for new caseworkers and a CDP that will see staff wanting to stay and develop within Community Services and Child Protection. This includes the allocation of sufficient, quarantined time for new starters to be able to complete assessments and no cases allocated until sufficient CDP has been completed.

New caseworkers need to be given sufficient time to progress through CDP, learn from senior and more experienced caseworkers and get a solid grasp of the tools at hand, prior to being allocated any cases.

The PSA encourages all eligible members to complete the survey and give the Department honest and clear feedback on how CDP and support for new caseworkers can be improved.
OSP Broadcast

Together, we can change the current trend and return Child Protection caseworker to the meaningful, long term and valued role that it is.

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