Bans to be lifted after meeting with Assistant Commissioner agreed
Bans to be lifted after meeting with Assistant Commissioner agreed – June 2018 (PDF version)
Over the past 10 days, Special Constable PSA members have implemented industrial bans in protest against the issue of unacceptable new Role Descriptions, which omit many key duties of Special Constables.
The NSW Police Force has now agreed in writing to hold a meeting between representatives of Special Constables and the Assistant Commissioner, Operational Communications and Information Command. The meeting will be held next week to discuss the dispute and agree a process for conducting a formal review of the current Role Descriptions. The offer is conditional on the bans being lifted.
This offer has been put to your delegates over the weekend and they have decided to lift the bans immediately to enable the talks to take place.
Members are accordingly directed to lift all bans and limitations effective immediately.
Members can be assured that the strong signal of determination and solidarity sent by the bans campaign will mean that your representatives will be in a strong position at the upcoming talks. All who took part should be proud of standing up for their rights at work!
The decision to lift the bans now is a sign of goodwill taken from a position of strength. NSW Police is on notice that the days of deliberately undervaluing the role of Special Constables are over.
Members will be kept updated via bulletin as these talks progress.
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