Community Corrections Members Meeting: Psychologists & Programs Staff transfer to Community Corrections.
We have scheduled a Community Corrections Member’s meeting for Tuesday 28 March at 12 noon via MS Teams. Please join the Chairperson of the CCDC and delegates, along with your PSA Industrial staff for a discussion on the ‘Towards 2030’ Reforms and the transfer of Service & Program staff to Community Corrections locations. We welcome any feedback or suggestions so that they can be raised with the department as part of the ongoing consultation process.
PSA Community Corrections Members Meeting
Tuesday 28 March 2023 – 12 noon
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 466 574 959 838
Passcode: pJzzyf
Download Teams | Join on the web
Your PSA Industrial Staff:
Monika Wunderlin – Industrial Officer
Chris Auld – Organiser
Your CCDC Delegates:
Bart Gale (Chairperson CCDC)
Mike Denning (Secretary CCDC)
We still have vacancies on the CCDC for Metro, North Coast, Central West and South East. If you are interested in nominating, please forward your interest to