Department of Customer Service Recurring Joint Consultative Committee update - Public Service Association

Department of Customer Service Recurring Joint Consultative Committee update

Your PSA representatives recently met with the Department of Customer Service (DCS) for the Recurring Joint Consultative Committee (RJCC). The following is a report back to members on matters that were discussed:

COVID-19 update

Given the current vaccination rates and lessening of restrictions under the NSW Public Health Orders, DCS will begin communications with staff regarding the return to office. As always, your union will keep a watchful eye to ensure there is equitable access to the New Ways of Working model. 

DCS is continuing to use its Risk Profile to assess what areas necessitate Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT). Employees in the areas identified will be provided RATs to comply with any weekly tests required.

ATAGI has changed “being fully vaccinated” to “being up to date”. Boosters are now included in the definition of  “being up to date”.  As a result of this, DCS will now begin reviewing its policy on COVID vaccinations.

Additionally, Employee Relations is developing a flu vaccine program for employees in anticipation of the coming flu season and associated risk to staff.


DCS has reported that a number have staff have opted to take leave while waiting for Novavax to be made available to them. Employees who have identified themselves will be expected to receive their vaccination within a reasonable timeframe.  Consideration will be given to staff with impeded access, such as regional employees. DCS will provide the self-identified employees with a temporary exemption after they have signed a Statement of Intent. 

Independent Medical Examination 

Your union raised concerns surrounding the length of time taken by the Department to arrange appointments for employees after identifying a need for them to attend an Independent Medical Examination (IME). In some cases members reported a waiting time of longer than three months, which PSA stressed is not acceptable. DCS stated that it was reviewing the process and had identified issues. The PSA advised that if the Department’s timeframes did not improve it would be formally writing to the Secretary.

Machinery of Government Changes 

DCS has advised that the Small Business Commission and Connect will be moving into DCS.

Employees in affected divisions that will be moving into the newly created Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade, can expect to receive communications shortly advising of their Phase.   

NSW Telco Authority restructure

DCS confirmed that implementation began on 14 February, after approval from the Secretary. The PSA has been advised that all employees have been assigned to a role in the new structure.

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