Heritage in Transition Restructure (HiT) update
Heritage in Transition Restructure (HiT) update – September 2017 (PDF version)
The PSA would like to thank all members who have provided feedback, commentary, submissions or contributed to the PSA group submission on the HiT role descriptions to Heritage Division.
Your participation has contributed to meaningful changes to the role descriptions and means a fairer and transparent process for all affected staff.
On 27 September, the PSA met today with Pauline McKenzie, Executive Director Heritage Division, to discuss issues and concerns arising from the PSA submission on the HiT role descriptions, sent Tuesday 13 September 2017, as well as additional concerns raised last week and yesterday.
From our meeting, Ms McKenzie has agreed to meet with the EO9s and Planning Officers group on Thursday 28 September at Parramatta, to further discuss their specific concerns.
PSA Organiser Latu Sailosi will be attending this meeting and will make time to meet with members before and after.
It is important staff understand the HiT suitability and comparative assessment process now in place, agreed to between the PSA and Heritage Division, is not a ‘weeding or clearing out process’ but one which is fairer and less intrusive but allowable under the Government’s rules.
PSA members undertaking the suitability and comparative assessment work sample process needing more information or support can contact Latu Sailosi at .
Any members unable to be suitably or comparatively assessed will be looked at individually by the PSA.
PSA members needing support throughout this process are able to access support services provided by the agency (e.g. EAP) or can contact the PSA.
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