“If not, why not”: PSA members request common sense approach to hybrid work
Significant pressure is currently being placed on staff in all NSW Government departments and agencies to return to their physical places of work. More pressure is being placed on organisations with high engagement with the public, such as the Australia Museum.
The PSA is frustrated that the NSW Government can recognise the economic power of the Public Service when it relates to business productivity and property prices in the CBD, but can’t make the same link when Public Service unions across NSW ask for a pay rise that keeps up with rises in the cost of living and inflation.
Political arguments aside, the PSA has been constructive when raising members concerns with HR at the Australia Museum around return to work and hybrid working, recognising this direction has come down from the mountain.
Your union has reminded the Australia Museum that those employed in the NSW Public Service have the right to request a hybrid working arrangement under the Governments own directive of “if not, why not”.
We will speak to this in more detail, including pitfalls that often lead to requests being denied, during Thursday’s PSA Member Meeting via Teams. In the meantime we encourage staff who wish to continue hybrid working to let their managers know, and fill out a remote working plan form.