Inquiry uncovers serious problems for emergency workers
Inquiry uncovers serious problems for emergency workers – July 2018 (PDF version)
The Parliamentary Inquiry into Emergency Service Agencies has been finalised and the report has been published. The full report is HERE.
This Inquiry was established on 11 May 2017 to inquire into and report on emergency services agencies. The primary purpose of the Inquiry was to consider how certain emergency service agencies respond to bullying, harassment and discrimination. The PSA submission to the Inquiry on behalf of members can be read HERE.
The Inquiry found widespread evidence of serious problems in all agencies. The Chair of the Inquiry committee noted the “committee was shocked by the many cases presented to us and by the seriousness of the allegations, which at times seemed to go unnoticed by the agency itself. It is unacceptable that emergency services workers, who are there to help our communities in times of need, are subjected to such inappropriate behaviours in their day to day work. It is even more disappointing to see that the actions, or should I say inactions, of the agencies in investigating and responding to bullying allegations, have in some cases done nothing but cause further angst and trauma”.
A number of the recommendations from the Inquiry are broad, aimed at changing processes and behaviours across the emergency services sector. There are specific recommendations for the SES to implement, which relate to support mechanisms and policy.
The PSA believes the recommendation for a new organisation to act as an independent, external complaints management oversight body for workplace bullying, harassment and discrimination is a major win for members. This recommendation supports the PSA’s submission that there is no confidence in management’s ability to prevent and resolve workplace bullying, harassment and discrimination.
The PSA would like to thank members who made submissions to the Inquiry. Your delegates and the PSA will ensure that the SES addresses the Inquiry Recommendations in the interest of members.
Further updates
Your union will continue to update members on the developments with your working conditions and will be visiting workplaces to update members.
As always the PSA welcomes member’s feedback. Should you have any questions or comments please contact your delegate first and if required the PSA.
Your NSW SES delegates are:
Your PSA staff:
Julie-Ann Bond – PSA Industrial Officer
Martin Robinson – PSA Organiser
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA.
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