The PSA recently lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW (IRC) to ensure better consultation in relation to the Machinery of Government (MoG) changes.
After the Dispute was lodged the PSA and the Department of Communities and Justice negotiated a Consultative Framework in relation to the changes at a meeting on 19 June 2019. The framework includes the following:
- Fortnightly consultation meetings between the Department and the PSA
- Provision of draft Change Management Documentation for consultation including Change Management Plans, Organisational Charts Staffing Establishments, Role Descriptions and details of mobility pathway processes where relevant
- An agreed communication strategy including provision of all Secretary messages to staff to the PSA
- PSA invitation to all Town Hall meetings with members
- An undertaking to conduct Work Health and Safety risk assessments, including workload assessments in any restructures
- An undertaking to report on any change affecting our members including policy harmonisation, and technology and systems integration
- An agreement for the PSA to hold paid member meetings in work time upon release of final change management plans.
The parties reported on the matter at the IRC conference which was held on 21 June 2019. The PSA indicated its opposition to job cuts at the IRC conference and advised that cost savings could be made without deleting roles. The parties have liberty to relist the matter in the IRC if issues cannot be resolved.
The next consultation meeting was held on 10 July 2019. The Department reported on the budgetary position and the need to make savings as well as changes that have been made to date.
The next consultation meeting is on 1 August 2019 and the PSA will report to you after that date.
The PSA opposes any job cuts or other changes that will negatively affect our members and will work hard to protect your interests during the MoG changes.
For any questions, or to organise a visit to your workplace.
If you work for Justice please email –
If you work for FACS please email –
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