Medical escorts
A motion came out of South Coast Correctional Centre for state-wide support regarding medical escorts and staffing.
At this stage, whilst we have significant support, there is an issue with the motion for sub branches for areas such as five-day court locations. If they were to have three staff go out on a medical escort, they would not have enough staff to continue working the court.
The PSA/POVB has a meeting set for Thursday 14 January, 2021 to discuss the following:
- Risk assessments
- Staffing
- Personal Protection Equipment – batons, OC spray and tasers
- Restraints for inmates – handcuffs, ankle cuffs and restraining belts
- Set location sitting location in hospitals, whilst waiting in Accident and Emergency rather than waiting in large waiting rooms with the general public
- Firearms recertification
- Training ongoing for medical escorts – face-to-face and LMS.
At this stage the motion will be held in abeyance and a determination will be made on the motion after the meeting on Thursday. The determination will be on what course of action will be taken. This could be lodging the issue in the Industrial Relations Commission or some form of industrial action.
Hospital escorts are the weakest link in security for Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) staff. The PSA/POVB takes the safety of our members and the community seriously and the issue of medical escorts needs to be addressed by CSNSW sooner rather than later.
Contact details
Nicole Jess Chairperson
0427 609 199
Jason Charlton Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976
Amanda Cotter Secretary
0404 042 600
Thor Sutherland Assistant Secretary
0447 633 476
Darren King Country Vice Chair
0407 935 039
Natalie Howes Country Vice Chair
0407 011 441
Clinton Lamb Vice Chair Overseer
0400 709 144
David McCauley POVB Industrial Officer
0419 022 767
David Bartle POVB Industrial Officer
0418 425 976
Trish O’Brien Welfare Officer
0412 120 391