Multicultural NSW: Joint Consultative Committee report back - Public Service Association

Multicultural NSW: Joint Consultative Committee report back

Please see the below summary of the first 2024 Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting between the PSA and Multicultural NSW (MNSW). These meetings occur quarterly and are based on member concerns put forward to PSA delegates. Members are encouraged to contact their delegates regarding any workplace concerns they may have for the next meeting in August. If a matter is more pressing, members can contact the PSA via email at or on 1800 772 679.

Work, Health and Safety

MNSW advised that the Health and Safety Representatives meeting schedule is out. There are two groups; one for Interpreters and one for the corporate office.

MNSW also advised that first aid mental health training occurred last year and the feedback from members was positive. 10 staff members undertook the training. MNSW are looking to expand the training to other staff of MNSW.

Finally, flu vaccinations have been scheduled for staff in March and April.

Staff development, training and PDP

MNSW is going through the mid-year review process. It is reviewing  goals, careers development and members’ development plans. Leadership programs are being looked into and planned for the year.


MNSW confirmed its preference for minimal external advertising for vacant roles. MNSW also advised it needs to see what is happening with the MNSW budgets prior to recruiting new staff. The CEO of MNSW confirmed that the agency is concerned about workload if roles are not filled.

The PSA stressed that members who are temporary are anxious about their futures in the organisation.  MNSW confirmed that advice about the extension of contracts would be provided well before the end of temporary contracts. MSNW has also been trying to secure more funding for roles with the NSW Government.

The PSA requested an update on how many vacant positions there are in MNSW. The employer agreed to get back to the PSA.



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