Newcastle VKG: Lighting issue update - Public Service Association

Newcastle VKG: Lighting issue update

Your union wrote to Centre Management in relation to concerns raised by members in relation to lighting at Newcastle.

A Work, Health and Safety (WHS) Entry notice was served on Centre management on 03 May 2023 with the intended date of entry being 31/ May 2023. This issue was further discussed at the regular NSW Police Force (NSWPF) WHS stakeholder meeting on 16 May 2023 and the Radio Operations Group/VKG Joint Consultative Committee meeting on 18 May 2023.

NSWPF has replied to our initial notice today.

We are in the process of organising an urgent meeting to further discuss the matter in an attempt to resolve this issue.

The PSA accepts that with this particular issue, there is going to be a range of opinions and preferences around the level of light in the centre. However, it is our view that the brightness of the lights should reflect Australian standards with reasonable adjustments made for individuals still experiencing adverse effects.

We ask members reach out with any further concerns if they have not done so by writing to Organiser Marko Petrovic at .

We will keep you updated as this matter progresses.

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