Update on GoodSAM trial
Over the past month the PSA has received feedback from members around the trial of GoodSam at Oak Flats radio operations. On Friday 10 March 2023, the PSA met with Assistant Commissioner Maloney with a view to addressing some of these issues.
Key points that came out of this meeting:
- Use of GoodSam by staff will be entirely voluntary and up to the individual staff member. This situation will continue moving forward and at no point will it become compulsory to use this software.
- All footage captured by GoodSam can be used as evidence later. While this could implicate staff, this is no change from what currently could happen with audio over the phone.
- If staff have concerns around the training that has been provided and require more training this can be made available to them. Additional sessions will be provided for those that need them or missed the initial sessions.
- While future capabilities of this program are continuously being examined, at this stage there are no immediate plans to expand the scope of this trial.
- Since the trial has begun there has not been an increase in workload. There have only been 8 instances of GoodSam being used in the initial two-week period.
As always, if members continue to have concerns around the introduction of GoodSam in police radio they are encouraged to reach out to the PSA. Assistant Commissioner Maloney made it clear to the PSA that they are more than happy to continue to engage during this rollout. While the PSA broadly supports the introduction of systems and processes that enhance the capability of the NSW Police Force, we want to ensure that there are no significant adverse effects to the working conditions of members through this process.
PoliceLink Lithgow WHS win!
Recently, the PSA was made aware of a serious mould issue around the air-conditioning vents at PoliceLink Lithgow. The PSA wrote on behalf of members to management around this issue and subsequently had this resolved.
The PSA would like to remind members to raise any WHS/cleaning issues with local management in the first place. If the issue cannot be resolved at this level members should contact the PSA on 1300 772 679 or .