NSW Police Force Member Bulletin
As you are aware, the Commissioner recently disseminated emails to all staff last Thursday and Friday.
The subject of “Award negotiations” and the emphasis on the Police Association as the primary negotiating representatives have sparked confusion and concern among some PSA members.
The release of this message to all NSWPF employees, encompassing the over 4000 Civilian and Special Constable employees constituting the NSW Police Force staffing profile, without any acknowledgment of them and their Union, is appalling.
The PSA has consistently brought forward issues regarding existing Awards in prior discussions and during Joint Consultative Committees.
If the Commissioner is genuinely committed to ensuring that staff have “a strong voice,” which includes the 4,000 individuals eligible for representation by the PSA, established pathways already in place for this purpose must be followed.
It is important to highlight that the PSA is the legislated employee representative for many awards, including the Crown Employees (NSW Police Administrative Officers and Temporary Employees) Award 2009, as well as the Crown Employees (NSW Police Force Special Constables) (Security) Award 2018, the Crown Employees (NSW Police Force Communications Officers) Award, and the Crown Employees (NSW Police Force Police Band) Award 2018
The PSA will continue to advocate on your behalf and has formally addressed these significant concerns in writing to the Police Commissioner Karen Webb, as well as seeking a timetable for Award negotiation meetings going forward.