Police Band Uniform Allowance Update
The PSA has been in ongoing discussions with employee relations of the NSW Police in relation to the provision of a uniform allowance for members in the Police Band. As part of this process there was an undertaking from the employer to conduct an audit of instances where staff are required to wear a uniform as part of their duties.
Towards the end of last year this audit was completed. The employer informed the PSA that it is their view that given uniforms are not worn every day they would like to look at introducing a pro-rata system where staff are paid for days in which they wear a uniform as part of their duties. At this stage it is unclear exactly how such a system would operate. Whether individual staff members would be required to apply for a pro-rata allowance every time they wear a uniform or whether the employer would manage this.
After consideration from the PSA and further discussion with your delegates, the PSA has informed the Police that our view remains unchanged. That is that the allowance should be paid in full as per the rate detailed in the award.
The PSA anticipates receiving the employer’s position in writing shortly. We will update members accordingly.