POVB bulletin
POVB bulletin – December 2017 (PDF version)
IRC hearing – benchmarking
The PSA were in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) before Commissioner Newall yesterday over benchmarking reforms. CSNSW HR had put forward a proposal to ‘ring fence’ the entire Long Bay Complex (MSPC, LBH & SPC) Grafton and Glen Innes, Tamworth and St Helliers and Emu Plains and Dillwynia.
The Department argued that it would be the best and fairest HR option for staff at those locations. The POVB were opposed to this strategy and argued to continue ‘ring fencing’ each centre on a ‘stand-alone’ basis.
Unfortunately, Commissioner Newall ruled in favour of the Department and those gaols will now be ‘ring fenced’ together. We have requested that CSNSW provide all information regarding the HR process immediately.
Our next hearing in the IRC is on Tuesday, 19 December. We are opposed to having the Department place two week blocks of annual leave in the cyclic rostering model. We maintain that staff must be able to take annual leave when they choose to take it, NOT when CSNSW decides they take it. The matter of the 12 hour shift allowance which has affected members at Kirkconnell, Glen Innes and Berrima will also be heard. In addition we are fighting for a pay rise for Senior Correctional Officers due to the deletion of the Assistant Superintendent rank and associated duties that will be passed onto SCOs.
Once we receive transcripts, we will forward them onto delegates to view the full IRC decision.
John Morony CC
JMCC commenced the new working model on Monday, 27 November. The reduction of staff in the centre is very challenging and the POVB State Executive will work closely with delegates and members throughout the transition period. Many issues have already been identified and our focus is to ensure safety and security of the centre is maintained at all times.
Benchmarking Committees
The POVB State Executive would like to thank all POVB delegates and members who have put their hand up to sit on local Benchmarking Committees. This process is very difficult to understand and it can be quite stressful for the members of those committees as they try their very best to get good results for fellow POVB members.
Over the past fortnight, the POVB State Executive have visited Mannus, Broken Hill, Ivanhoe, LBH and MSPC to assist the benchmarking process in those centres. We meet CSNSW senior management each fortnight and raise issues from our correspondence with the committees of those centres. We will continue to raise issues in that forum on behalf POVB members and if they cannot be resolved, we will list those matters in the IRC.
CSNSW Remembrance Day
The last Friday in November is CSNSW Remembrance Day. Last Friday, PSA General Secretary, Stewart Little attended the services at the Long Bay Complex and Brush Farm Academy together with the POVB State Executive and Industrial Officer, David McCauley. CSNSW Remembrance Day is a fitting tribute to Correctional Officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. We also remembered those officers who sadly passed away over the past 12 months.
CSNSW Remembrance Day reinforces the risks we face in the line of duty as we remember those officers, their families, friends and colleagues.
Lest we forget.
Contact Details
Nicole Jess – Chairperson
0427 609 199
Jason Charlton – Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976
Thor Sutherland – Country Chairperson
0447 633 476
Natalie Howes – Secretary
0407 011 441
Darren King – Assistant Secretary
0407 935 039