PSA information for Service NSW Members participating in the PSA Day of Action 8 June 2022
The PSA is aware that you will have now received a communication from the DCS Crisis Controller in response to the PSA Day of Action on Wednesday 8 June.
This has raised some questions from members and to clarify some of those concerns the PSA advises the following:
- The PSA has directed its members to engage in taking industrial action in support of your unions claim for a pay rise of 5.2 per cent and abolishing the salary cap on the public sector.
- The industrial action is a 24-hour stop work from 12.00am Wednesday 8 June 2022.
It is important for members engaging in that action to know that:
- This is at the direction from your union
- You are lawfully permitted to engage in this action and there should be no victimisation prior to, during or following the industrial action
- For the time that you engage in the action you will not be paid
- The use of the term ‘unauthorised absence’, does not mean that you cannot engage with the industrial action
- This will simply be recorded on your timesheet and you will be deducted the amount of time in salary.
Outside of simply advising that you will be absent due to taking industrial action any member who is questioned or pressured in any way not to engage in taking industrial action must report this immediately to the PSA as this is unlawful and there are clear protections for our members through the Industrial Relations Act 1996 which the PSA will use to protect our members’ rights.
This is reinforced in the DCS Crisis Controllers communication which clearly states:
‘It’s also important to remember that it is unlawful to victimise an employee (take action to the detriment of the employee) because they are a member of an industrial association, or based on their choice to engage, or to not engage in industrial action’.
Participating in the strike
- On Wednesday 8 June, prior to when you would normally commence work advise your manager that you will in accordance with the PSA direction be participating in industrial action.
- In advising your manager you are participating in industrial action you can provide the manager with the PSA’s bulletin.
- Attend the relevant PSA action in your area HERE
- On your return to work the next day you can put your leave as appropriate for your payroll to record the absence.