PSA Meeting with Greyhound Welfare Integrity Commission – COVID-19 Concerns
PSA Industrial Staff and your Delegate met with GWIC Senior Management including the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Vet and Chief Steward in response to concerns raised on Members behalf on 19 August 2021. This is a report back to members on that meeting.
Request for a return to Zones
The GWIC response was fairly clear that the issue for zoning was that of GRNSW and that their understanding was that GRNSW is fairly opposed to returning to a zoning system.
The PSA will consider further whether it will look to make further representations on behalf of members and approach GRNSW directly in relation to this matter however, as there is no direct industrial relationship between the PSA and GRNSW the PSA would advise members that regardless of zones the NSW Public Health Orders (PHO) are in place irrespective.
The PSA would encourage all members who have to attend race meetings on a regular basis to regularly check the PHO to keep up to date with frequently changing orders and restrictions.
Authorised Workers
GWIC confirmed that it had provided letters to staff who were required to travel confirming that you are authorised workers and that GWIC has been liaising with the Department of Customer Service (DCS) and the DCS Crisis Controller.
The PSA raised concerns that it has been reported by members that COVID Marshalls were not in place for the entire race meeting. This appeared to be new information for GWIC and the PSA expects that this will be followed up on positively with confirmation that COVID Marshalls should be in place for the entirety of the race meet across all of NSW.
Notifying of Police
GWIC’s position was that NSW Police were aware that races were happening and that they are aware of Police visiting race meets. They did not see any particular value in further notification of Police about race meets. Again, the PSA would advise members that if they are not getting support from the appropriate officials at the meet that you can also contact Police if necessary.
COVID-19 Safety Plan and Protocols
GWIC advised that they are in the process of finalising their safety plan and that this will be provided to staff and the PSA next week. Once the PSA is in receipt of that we will look to have further discussions with members.
GWIC COVID-19 protocols should be in place and the PSA has emphasised the importance that all staff should have a clear understanding of what steps they are to take if they have concerns that the appropriate safety measures are not being taken.
In instances where members are concerned they should look to follow these steps:
- Report it directly to Club Manager as the PCBU for that site,
- Report it to the Chief Steward for GWIC notification and follow up.
If the Club Manager or COVID Marshall are unable or unwilling to address the issue, members can contact the NSW Police and if you feel that you are at immediate risk or danger at this point you may cease unsafe work as per s.84 of the WHS Act ensuring that you notify the Chief Steward and other line management immediately.
To be very clear that in exercising your rights as a worker to cease unsafe work that you must have a reasonable concern that to carry out your work would expose you to a serious risk to your health or safety, emanating from an immediate or imminent exposure to a hazard.
Members are also strongly encouraged to seek assistance from the PSA asap should this eventuate for further assistance.
WHS at Race Tracks
The PSA appreciates that there is a difference of opinion between Senior Management and PSA Members in relation to a number of these concerns. That aside, GWIC has reported back to the PSA that it is now satisfied that Bulli is meeting the necessary COVID-19 Safety protocols and that the Chief Steward has attended in person.
The PSA was advised that 2 persons who attended a meeting at Dapto have been suspended and that a fine of $500 has been issued to a person attending a meeting at Richmond.
GWIC has advised all Clubs about the ability to issue fines and again the clear message is for Members to report concerns immediately to the Club Manager and alert the Chief Steward for follow up.
Vaccinations and other health related issues
GWIC is supportive of staff being prioritised for vaccinations and the CEO has issued letters to staff seeking consideration for priority to vaccination. The PSA understands that some vaccination centres or GP’s have not acknowledged this.
The PSA has been advocating on behalf of frontline staff who have to deal with members of the public since February of this year to have priority access to vaccinations and with some mixed success.
Any Member who has any medical condition or lives with persons who are deemed ‘vulnerable’, should seek medical advice from their GP as to whether they should be working in a potential COVID-exposure risk. If the medical advice is that you should not then you should look to have urgent discussions with GWIC as to what suitable duties can be found for you, the PSA can assist you in these discussions.
GWIC has advised that it is also working on personal risk assessments for staff.
Members are reminded that you have special leave available to you of up to 2 hours for getting vaccinated and GWIC is encouraging of this.
Regular Staff Meetings
The Chief Vet advised that a recent all-staff meeting had been well attended and the PSA will encourage GWIC to engage with staff on a regular basis at this time as it is important that these type concerns are raised at the earliest possible opportunity.
Next Steps
The PSA will be following up further with GWIC in relation to the COVID-19 Safety Plan and Protocols and we will be aiming to meet further with members towards the end of the week.
The PSA is aware that members have a different view in respect of the reintroduction of Zones from GWIC management and PSA Industrial Staff will continue to work with your Delegates to see what more can be done to make your work safer during this current outbreak.
The PSA Member Support Centre is open Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm by phone call 1300 772 679 or by email