PSA wins uniform allowance and back pay for Court Officers working for the Office of the Sheriff - Public Service Association

PSA wins uniform allowance and back pay for Court Officers working for the Office of the Sheriff

The PSA is pleased to inform you should commence receiving your back pay and ongoing payment of the uniform allowance from the 24 November 2022.

The Office of the Sheriff (SHO) has agreed an error had been made concerning the non-payment of the uniform allowance for Court Officers and staff working for SHO entitled to the uniform allowance. The PSA letter to Tracey Hall noted that “It does appear that they have never been paid the allowance”.

The oversight was reported to the agency, when the PSA wrote to Tracey Hall, Sheriff of NSW on the 26 August 2022, on behalf of members working for SHO, to formally claim payment of the Uniform Allowance under Clause 46 of the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009.

The award directs employers who provide their staff with a uniform or PPE as part of their role shall be paid the uniform allowance for laundry expenses. The PSA sought the restitution of unpaid entitlements to staff by way of back-pay and forthwith the ongoing payment of the allowance.

Unfortunately, there is no obligation for the SHO to provide payment beyond the statutory six-year claims period.

Although the PSA claim was on behalf of Court Officers, it does apply to all staff working for SHO who are not Sheriff Officers, and that meets the Award provision criteria. Please speak to your work colleagues who are not Court Officers that have either a uniform or PPE about their right to the allowance and encourage them to join the PSA.

Lastly, the PSA advises members to seek professional advice on financial and taxation matters from accredited financial advisors. Neither the PSA nor the SHO can provide members with independent financial advice, nor should we seek confidential private information concerning your individual taxation and financial matters.


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