PSA Meeting with Sheriff regarding Uplift - Public Service Association

PSA Meeting with Sheriff regarding Uplift

SOVBAG delegates met yesterday afternoon to discuss the recent communications from the Sheriff regarding the Organisational Uplift.

Following our bulletin of Tuesday 19 September, DCJ have arranged for a meeting between the Sheriff, DCJ representatives, PSA Industrial staff and your SOVBAG delegates to discuss our concerns with the way the Uplift has progressed since the announcement of the Uplift for the Senior Leadership Team in July 2022. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 27 September 2023.

In order for the meeting to be productive, the PSA will be writing to DCJ prior to the meeting to outline what it is that we are seeking.  This includes:

  • Specific details of the Business case undergoing refinement. The PSA doesn’t believe that consultation is limited to brief quarterly updates.  Effective consultation involves the sharing of information, so that decisions, and any complications that may arise, are understood.
  • A specific timeline for the plan to progress the reclassification, including dates and requirements from any Government policies. As there is no longer a restrictive “wages” policy in place, an explanation as to why the business case cant progress now, and how the recent budgetary announcement of the creation of a $3.6 billion Essential Services Fund may interact with the business case
  • An explanation as to why Court Officers can’t be reclassified from the General Scale Clerk classification to a Clerk 1/2 level prior to mid next year, considering other areas/Departments are able to achieve irrespective of budget cycles

Your SOVBAG delegates discussed a variety of actions that may take place if that meeting is not productive.  These actions include:

  • Statewide stop work meetings
  • Introduction of work bans
  • Boycotting any DCJ organised 200 year celebrations

The PSA will keep members up to date with discussions.

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