PSA Work Bans lifted in RMS
PSA WorkBans in RMS Update July 2014 (PDF version)
Recently, the PSA RMS Departmental Committee (RMS DC) implemented work bans on participating in Performance Development and Review.
PSA members concerns primarily revolve around two issues:
- some pre-filled KPIs were viewed as unachievable;
- failure to meet those KPIs could lead to disciplinary processes.
Members also raised concerns around duress and feeling intimidated into signing PDR documents they did not agree with.
Since the work bans were put in place, the PSA has engaged the RMS in discussions around members’ concerns.
As a result of those discussions, RMS has advised the PSA that:
- if its members were unhappy with KPIs and were unable to reach agreement with their Manager to change those KPIs, staff members can submit an unsigned PDR;
- previously submitted PDR documents can be reviewed and amended at the PSA member’s request; and
- information sessions on PDR can be requested by PSA members and RMS will roll these sessions out on request.
With these concessions around duress in place, the RMS DC has voted to lift the work bans on participation in PDR processes. PSA members are now advised that they should participate in the PDR process.
If agreement on modifying your PDR can not be reached with your Manager, PSA members are advised to decline to sign their PDR document in a professional and courteous manner.
Declining to sign your PDR document will be noted by your Manager on your PDR form.
If members have any concerns relating to PDR, your first port of call is your local PSA Delegate who can provide initial advice and support. Should your matter require escalation due to breaches of RMS policy and procedure, your Delegate can assist in referring your matter to the PSA’s industrial staff.
DC Work Bans Lifted
The PSA RMS Departmental Committee has voted to lift work bans on PDR.
As a result of discussions between the PSA and RMS Industrial Relations the PSA has been advised that:
- if its members were unhappy with KPIs and were unable to reach agreement with their Manager to change those KPIs, staff members can submit an unsigned PDR;
- previously submitted PDR documents can be reviewed and amended at the PSA member’s request;
- information sessions on PDR can be requested by PSA members and RMS will roll these sessions out on request.
For more information on this matter or to get involved in PSA campaigns contact your PSA delegates and JOIN us today!