PSA CPSU NSW has won! Your rostering principals are protected - Public Service Association

PSA CPSU NSW has won! Your rostering principals are protected

PSA CPSU NSW has won – Your rostering principals are protected – September 2017 (PDF version)

The fight to protect the rostering principles has been long and hard.

At every turn the Government has refused to safeguard the conditions you already enjoy, putting in jeopardy your access to penalty rated shifts and a fair and equitable workplace.

But we did not give up! On 30 August 2017 your union the PSA CPSU NSW won the court case to protect your conditions post privatisation.

Download the pay rise poster HERE and put it up on your notice board.

An important win for members

Your rostering principles and paid special leave have been locked in and protected. We have also won your pay rise this year which will be backdated until 1 July 2017.

Only by the PSA CPSU NSW fighting for your conditions has this win been possible.

Now more than ever it is important to be a member of your union. With so much uncertainty in a privatised world having your union behind you is the only way to protect your conditions and win in the future.

Make sure everyone in your group home is a member. Join easily online at or email us at for a form.

Members and delegates, remain vigilant

It is important to remain vigilant. If rostering issues arise, make sure you let your delegate know so that they can be easily and quickly resolved using the rostering principles.

Congratulations and thank you to all those involved in the dispute, we are only as strong as our members and delegates.

Want a visit to your team meeting?

Contact your delegate or organiser to arrange a visit to your workplace.

You can contact the PSA direct at or 1300 772 679.

You can support the work of the PSA and your local delegates by asking your colleagues to JOIN their union.

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