PSA/CPSU retains Home Care coverage in major case win
PSA CPSU retains Home Care coverage in major case win – April 2016 (PDF version)
On Friday 22 April, the Fair Work Commission published the decision of its Senior Deputy President Hamberger which allows your union to continue to provide you with coverage and protection in the workplace following your transition to the private sector and the federal industrial relations system.
Fair Work’s decision removes any lingering confusion or doubt and confirms the rules of our union’s federal arm, the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) can be changed to guarantee on-going coverage of PSA members in Home Care.
All PSA members in NSW are also members of the CPSU.
Where the employer operates under state industrial laws, as is the case with the NSW Government, then your union is badged as the PSA.
However, where the employer operates under federal industrial laws, as Australian Unity does, then your union is badged as the CPSU.
Accordingly, PSA members in Home Care will now be referred to as PSA/CPSU members.
The win in the Fair Work Commission was a direct result of the PSA’s new way of working and evidence based approach to dealing with its members which enabled PSA staff, elected delegates and officials to provide critical information demonstrating the PSA’s support for its members and delegates in Home Care.
The CPSU Federal office made the application for the rule change and ran the case.
The following witnesses gave evidence on behalf of you and your union:
Steve Turner – PSA Assistant General Secretary and Assistant Secretary CPSU/SPSF NSW Branch
Grisel Galiano – Home Care (PSA Delegate)
Tania Shipman – Home Care (PSA Delegate)
Siobhan Callinan – Lead Organiser
Thane Pearce – Senior Industrial Advocate
Karen Batt – Federal Secretary CPSU SPSF
In his decision, Senior Deputy President Hamberger stated that the PSA “gave evidence of its extensive work on behalf of those employees and the existence of a significant delegate structure.”
“Overall I am not satisfied on the evidence before me that the relevant employees could more conveniently belong to either the ASU or the HSU. Nor am I satisfied that either of those two unions could more effectively represent the relevant employees.”
He also found that United Voice does not have coverage of you and that he did not consider there were any grounds to refuse consent to the alteration of our rules and the application was granted.
Congratulations to your delegates: Loretta Wilson, Robyn Pearse, Susan Workum, Diana Waterton, Sue Kiernan, Grisel Galiano and Tania Shipman for their hard work throughout this entire complicated process.
Particular thanks to Grisel Galiano, Tania Shipman, Steve Turner, and PSA staff Siobhan Callinan and Thane Pearce who all provided such compelling evidence to win the case.