Revenue Joint Consultative Committee Report Back
Your union and local delegates attended the Revenue Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) on 18 October 2023. At the meeting the following matters were discussed:
Landing Days
Members had raised concerns about going into the office to meet with each other but appeared to be spending more time in Teams meetings than face to face. PSA suggested Revenue could consider how to make landing days more socially inclusive. This was taken on notice. If you feel that your landing days could be more like being in the office and less like being at home, please let your delegates know your suggestions for improvements.
Digital Skills
PSA was briefed on the 2 programs being run under skills updates: Digital skills for Non-Digital staff and Digital Skills for Specialists.
We understand that the program for Specialists is an 8 week course which is run through TAFE.
The program for non-digital staff is also run through TAFE. 6 weeks this year and continuing after the summer break. There are 30 people currently participating and will receive mentoring and support.
PSA sought confirmation that there would be no workload issues for participants.
There will be a review at the end of the programs. In the meantime if you are interested in this training we recommend that you speak with your manager and ask about being placed on the waiting list.
Next Meeting
We will be seeking agenda items for the next Revenue JCC meeting. If you have anything you would like to have raised please contact your local delegates Frank Huijser or Cassandra Coleman or your Organiser, Mel Coombes on