Service NSW June Newsletter - Public Service Association

Service NSW June Newsletter

Service NSW Newsletter – 16 June 2017 (PDF Version)

Your PSA delegates, along with PSA Industrial staff, attended the Service NSW Joint Consultative Committee on Tuesday 6 June.  A number of items were discussed, including:

Flexible work practices and special shift arrangements

The PSA sought a commitment from Service NSW to flexible work practices, particularly in light of a number of members having difficulty with securing long-standing special shift arrangements.  Service NSW confirmed its absolute commitment to flexible working practices and explicitly stated that “One Way, Same Way” is not meant to curtail the ability for special shift arrangements to continue.

The PSA raised concerns the commitment was not shared on an operational level, and detailed it had a number of specific examples of members being told their special shift allowances would no longer continue. Service NSW committed to examine any specific examples the PSA could provide.

Your award requires Service NSW to take into consideration direct impacts on personal responsibilities and individual circumstances when changing such arrangements. In addition, there are also anti-discrimination provisions in the Industrial Relation Act that prevents discrimination on the grounds of responsibilities as a carer. If you believe your special shift arrangements are at threat, contact Industrial Manager Nathan Bradshaw at .

Closure of Digital Centres

Whilst confirming reports of the closure of digital centres, Service NSW also confirmed that there would be no job losses as a result, and staff were being consulted regarding their preferences for where they would like to be placed.

Introduction of timeclocks

Service NSW confirmed the introduction of timeclocks was working under a “phased implementation” commencing from 1 July 2017 through to 30 June 2018.  It committed to ensuring adequate consultation with workplaces would be undertaken before the system was “turned on” at each location.

The PSA will monitor the way that the timeclock system is used, and stated to Service NSW the system would not be foolproof and is not to be used as a basis for “disciplinary” procedures if there are simple mistakes made in the clocking on and off process.

The PSA will also ensure the times people are clocking on and clocking off will be used as a basis for adequate rostering (rostering in the time it takes to set up and closedown a workstation) and payment of overtime for additional time staff work on any given shift.

Breakfast and dinner allowances for one-day journeys

The PSA had previously raised a dispute regarding the non-payment of lunch allowances for one-day journeys. As a result of that dispute, Service NSW clarified that there was no blanket non-payment of lunch allowance, however the lunch allowance had to be justified as being a reasonable expense.

The PSA ultimately agreed to Service NSW’s contention that if a workplace has suitable and appropriate lunch facilities, the payment of the lunch allowance would be unreasonable. However, individual cases when appropriate facilities were not provided would still attract the lunch allowance.

The PSA sought further clarification on the time the evening meal would be paid, as the latest claim form states it would be paid when required to travel until or beyond 7:30pm.  Service NSW stated at the meeting that its interpretation of that meant that the dinner allowance was still available to be paid at 6:30, as the word “until” covered this situation.

Dealing-with-abusive-customers training

Members have been reporting this training would be helpful for staff. Service NSW confirmed such training was included in induction programs. However, it has the ability to roll out “resilience training” which covers dealing with difficult situations at any location that requests it.

Timetable for future Service NSW centre openings

At the time of the meeting, the only confirmed upcoming transitions were Moruya closing on 9 June and opening as a Service NSW centre on the 14 July, and Nowra opening as a Service NSW centre on the 22 July. Service NSW will notify us of further openings after 30 June, and indicated the timetable for future openings would be reliant on the upcoming state budget.

Tea breaks
The PSA would like to remind members your award states that you are entitled to a 10-minute tea break. Whilst this break is “at a time convenient to the business needs of Service NSW” routinely not being able to take a tea break is not acceptable.

The PSA will be visiting workplaces with a “take a break” kit to encourage members to take the time out.  Similarly, the PSA reminds members that your award states “no employee shall be required to work more than five consecutive hours without a meal break”. If your shifts allow for you to be rostered for longer than five hours without a meal break your roster is breaching the award and needs to be changed.  Please note a tea break is not a “meal break”, and is a separate allowance.

PSA says no to privatisation of Service NSW

In mid-May the State Government, without any consultation or prior notice, enacted an amendment to the Service NSW (One-Stop Access to Government Services) Regulation.  Seven private companies were listed as “approved persons” for the purposes of providing services to Service NSW. Included in this list were the likes of Serco Citizen Services and Salmat Contract Solutions. Both these companies have dubious ethical and industrial records.

The PSA responded immediately with a public statement and the State Opposition moved a disallowance motion in the Upper House of State Parliament. As a result of the PSA actions, the Minister was forced to issue a statement denying that the regulation was a first step to the privatisation of Service NSW and stating publically there would be “no job losses” as a result of this regulation change.

The State Government is on notice that the PSA will vigorously and tenaciously fight any attempt to privatise Service NSW.

Bondi Junction Service Centre wins back its long weekend

The PSA was alarmed to learn staff at Bondi Junction Service Centre were being directed to undertake PSP “testing” on Saturday 10 June from 4pm until 8pm or on Sunday 11 June from 8am.

The PSA understands and supports the need for Service NSW staff to undertake testing and training. The PSA, however, did not believe that the scheduling of this training was communicated correctly to staff, with no consideration given to family commitments. The PSA raised the issue with Service NSW Industrial Relations and received the following assurances:

  • Training conducted outside the spread of operating hours is overtime and paid at the appropriate rate
  • When training or testing is scheduled and the proposed times are not workable for an employee due to family or other commitments, alternative arrangements will be explored with the employee

Additionally the PSA was notified the “testing” would not go ahead at the scheduled time and staff were able to enjoy their long weekend unencumbered by work commitments.

Please contact the PSA if you are concerned changes to your work patterns have not been communicated taking the above into account.

Your voice in your union

The Service NSW Departmental Committee is your voice in the PSA. We still have a few vacancies for regional representatives on this committee.

Your PSA delegates

Your current DC delegates are

Lee Devitt, Kieran Street, Victor Dunstan, Michael Pugh, Susanna Abbatantuono, Nalini Wilson

We are also aiming to have at least one trained union contact at every Service NSW workplace. Dates for training days will be announced soon. Union members can access paid trade union training leave to participate.

Please contact Caroline Staples at if you are interested in being a delegate, training, or would like to arrange a workplace meeting. If you need to contact your union for immediate advice or support you can ring our Members Support Centre on 1300 772 679


The PSA represents all staff working at Service NSW. We negotiated your current Award that sets out your wages, conditions and entitlements.

We also represent tens of thousands of NSW public servants across a wide range of areas including education, justice, community services, transport, national parks and the arts.

Your current Award, which contains your conditions of employment, can be viewed HERE

Non-members can join online at



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