The new Flexible Working Policy: We want to hear from you!
The PSA met with Legal Aid NSW Management as part of the consultation process in regards to the draft Flexible Working Policy. As advised, the policy will guide staff and management about flexible work at Legal Aid NSW.
The PSA has raised issues relating to the draft Flexible Working Policy and also made suggestions to improve it.
Management has told us it will be sending the new Flexible Workforce Policy and all associated documents to all staff for consultation in the near future and consultation remains ongoing with the PSA.
Members have expressed great satisfaction with the current working-from-home arrangements and productivity has increased!
The new Flexible Working Policy affects every staff member at Legal Aid NSW and the future of how we work. So it’s important that YOU have a say in what the policy says. We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts confidentially on flexible work with your union, the PSA.
If you wish to give feedback, have a workplace/teams meeting about the policy, or want more information on joining the PSA and getting involved, contact your local PSA delegate, your Industrial Officer or Organiser to have your voice heard!
Justin Hutchinson
or 0419 287 985