The votes are in: Special Constables vote pay rise
PSA members working as Special Constables have voted to accept the State Government’s three-year Salaries offer.
Ninety-nine per cent of respondents to our Salaries Survey accepted the government’s offer and the PSA will now notify the government of our acceptance and move to have the new rates formalised so members receive the increase as soon as possible.
The offer can only be paid once the Memoradum of Understanding is signed and the Awards are altered and signed off by the Industrial Relations Commission.
The offer
In addition to the existing 2 per cent work value increase from 1 July 2023, the salaries offer is as follows:
- 11 per cent (3 per cent for wages and 8 per cent for work value) 2024-2025 increase in salaries plus 0.5 per cent superannuation
- 3 per cent 2025-2026 increase in salaries plus 0.5 per cent superannuation
- 3 per cent 2026-2027 increase in salariesThis offer will be backdated to the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024.
This offer, including the work value increase, will be backdated to the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024.
The offer includes a safeguard mechanism to protect wage-earners if the Sydney Consumer Price Index exceeds 3.5 per cent (March quarter) in the second or third year of the deal. If this is the case, there will be negotiations for a one-off, non-cumulative, cost-of-living allowance (COLA).
If the Sydney Consumer Price Index exceeds 4 per cent (March quarter) in the second or third year, members will receive a $1,000 taxable, one-off, non-cumulative cost-of-living adjustment payment, plus superannuation.
The PSA will withdraw its Supreme Court judicial review on the basis that each party bear their own costs.
There will be other general changes to the award and the overtime meal allowance rate will be set by reference to the Australian Taxation Office tax determination, which was $35.65 last year.
These long-overdue changes to pay and conditions come after years of campaigning on behalf of Special Constables by your union, the PSA.
As part of the offer, the PSA will negotiate changes to the Managing Excess Employees (MEE) policy to bring it into line with the new Workforce Mobility Placement (WMP) policy implemented late last year. This has seen great improvements in the retention of public servants affected by workplace change.
These improvements to your wages and conditions prove there is power in a union.