Treasury: Bullying and Harassment Policy
Treasury has contacted the PSA to consult on its draft while it is updating the current Prevention and Management of Bullying and Harassment policy.
The current draft policy and previous policy are available for review via your intranet.
Feedback for consultation must be sent to the Department of Treasury Friday 2 July. If you have feedback on the draft policy you would like included please email your PSA Organsier, Amy Lennox by early Friday morning to allow time to collate feedback.
The PSA thanks its members for their continued adaptability and resilience during this difficult time.
The PSA would like to remind members we are still able to support you during lockdown. We encourage PSA members to discuss individual concerns with our Member Support Centre by calling 1300 772 769 or emailing .
You can also request a virtual meeting to discuss collective issues, including changes to ways of working during lockdown or the draft bullying and harassment policy, by emailing the Member Support Centre or your Organiser Amy Lennox at .