Trustee and Guardian/Office of Public Guardian – Your Rights In the Union
Trustee and Guardian Office of Public Guardian – Your rights in the union – July 2018 (PDF version)
Being a union member brings a number of benefits, not only collective action and individual support, but your Award also lists a variety of entitlements that you can have access to as soon as you join up!
Special leave
As a member of the PSA you are entitled to special leave specifically for union business. This is on top of your other leave, such as family leave, study leave and sick leave.
You’re able to attend any accredited WHS courses (which the PSA provides) under the negotiation of local arrangement – this can be done with the help of your union, so just give us a ring if you’re interested, or contact your delegates.
You’re also able to receive up to 12 working days over a period of two years to attend a PSA training course. We have a variety of different ones which may be of interest to you, which you can find HERE.
Advisory Group Delegates
Trustee and Guardian/Office of Public Guardian Advisory Group elections will next take place in the first half of 2019. However, there are a number of current vacancies if any members are interested, particularly in the regions.
If you are an elected delegate to the Advisory Group you are entitled to the following:
Release from duty
If you are to partake in any union business such as:-
- Attending WHS Committee meetings
- Attending meeting with management (or their representation)
- Being a part of an induction meeting
- Distributing official union material
- Preparation time for all of the above.
You will be released from duty, but regarded to be on duty, so you will still get paid for your time.
Special leave for Delegates
As a Delegate you receive special leave to attend the Annual PSA Conference, meetings with the Advisory Group, Unions NSW and ACTU conferences, to give evidence before any Industrial Tribunal as a witness for the PSA and travel time to all of the above.
Access to facilities
As a delegate you also have access to phone, fax, internet and email facilities, access to the work notice board to post PSA materials, as well as meeting facilities.
Value-added services
A reminder that all PSA members have the following services included in their membership:
- Journey Insurance to cover wages of members injured while travelling to or from work.
- Personal Accident Insurance to cover permanent disability or death resulting from an accident.
- Provident Fund – immediate payment of $3500 to nominated beneficiary in the event of a member’s death.
- Union Shopper access giving discounts on a wide range of gift cards (including 5% off at Coles and Woolworths), entertainment, activities, whitegoods, electronics, and more for union members.
- Sydney Credit Union (SCU) access giving discounted banking to union members.
And your union fees are tax deductible.
If you have any other questions about your rights and entitlements under the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Award, or to organise a visit in your workplace, please contact the PSA.
Member Support Centre: 1300 772 679.