Update on PSA efforts to have Field Officers recognised as ongoing employees
The PSA has been working diligently to have Casual Field Officers recognised as ongoing employees by Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW). Unfortunately, CSNSW does not agree and we are in dispute.
Following expert legal advice, it was decided the best course of action for our members would be to seek declaratory relief for a specific member in a test case. Declaratory relief is where the court makes a ruling on the rights of a selected individual. If successful in this test case, it may form a precedent for other field officers in similar circumstances.
The PSA has engaged McNally Jones Staff Lawyers to instruct the highly regarded barrister Leo Saunders to argue the matter in the Industrial Relations Court of NSW, with Justice Chin presiding.
On 5 February 2025, closing remarks were made by the parties’ barristers and further written submissions were provided to the Industrial relations Court on 19 March 2025.
We are now waiting on the decision of Justice Chin, which we hope will be published by June at the latest and will update you on the decision when it is made.
Your Community Corrections Departmental Committee delegates
Bart Gale Chair
Central West
Suzi Tubner Vice Chair
Admin Metro
Kevin Manning
TL Metro
Bronwyn Grainger
TL Metro
Thomas Pearce
CCO – Metro
David Weir
CCO – Metro
Kori Buck
Admin – Regional
Sonya Mantle
CCO – Central West
Amy Riddle
TL – North Coast
Mark Wisnewski
CCO – North Coast
Blake Langelaar
CCO – Hunter
Craig Jackson
Field Officers
Simon Young
Electronic Monitoring