Australian Museum Joint Consultative Committee update
The PSA met with Australian Museum management for the regular Joint Consultative Committee on (JCC) 5 March 2024.
Cladding update
The project is still out for tender and will close end of March. Work is projected to commence in August and is estimated to take six-to-nine months starting with the Spirit House and ending at the north facade of the building. The Museum is developing a staged plan to minimise disruption and will continue to provide updates about any impacts. A site office is to be set up in the carpark outside the Museum’s Business Entrance.
Other building projects include upgrading systems and optimising storage at Castle Hill.
Corporate Strategic Plan
The Museum will consult with staff about the upcoming Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP). Emails are expected to be sent by next week. Consultation will occur with the Trust and Directors, Individuals, Senior Management and All Staff. Consultations should occur in March and the CSP is projected to be finalised by May or June.
Your PSA Delegates
Nadiye Cicek
Henry Sisley