Bulletin – Community Corrections Joint Consultative Committee report back
Every quarter, your elected Community Corrections Departmental Committee (CCDC) delegates, along with PSA Industrial staff, meet with Community Corrections Executive and HR representatives to raise and progress issues on behalf of members in the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC).
The most recent JCC took place in May 2021 and included discussion of the following matters:
Workload and the Remote Service Delivery Team
Workload is being closely monitored, with the Remote Service Delivery Team able to assist offices with high workloads. The PSA indicated that the assistance of this team seemed to have improved workload levels but there were still sometimes offices above where they should be. Managing workload appropriately requires all members, both Managers and CCOs/SCCOs/ULs, following the workload model.
If you are unable to resolve workload issues at the local level, we need to hear from you! You can anonymously contact the PSA and your union will have no hesitation raising workload concerns directly with the Community Corrections Executive.
Assignment to Role Guidelines Review
The final report of this review, which included PSA delegates, will be presented to the Executive in the coming month and a response provided to the Working Group. A copy of the recommendations will be provided to the PSA for consultation after the report has been considered.
Workload for Parole Units
A survey is being undertaken to assess workload issues in Parole Units. Updates will be provided at the next meeting.
Additional training and support for First Year Officers in Parole Units
The PSA continues to table the challenges faced by FYOs in Parole Units, which is often raised with the union in workplace visits and other forums. The PSA has proposed development of further parole-focused training through online course, which is being considered by Community Corrections. Discussions with the Academy have also taken place to ensure the content is covered in a way relevant to Parole Units.
Working from home
Members continue to overwhelmingly indicate to the PSA strong support for having WFH options continue as part of business-as-usual flexible working arrangements. A DCJ-wide policy is being developed and in the interim, the Assistant Commissioner has emailed all members with the current parameters for WFH options that can be discussed with your Managers.
Following the opening of the Serco-run Clarence Correctional Centre, the PSA has sought to be provided with any updates on any service delivery function being considered for market testing or privatisation/outsourcing in Community Corrections. This will remain a standing agenda item on every JCC. There was nothing to report for this meeting.
Any member who sees developments about market testing or privatisation/outsourcing should immediately contact the PSA.
Admin Working Party
Online courselettes have been developed following this review. It has also been agreed that all new employees, including Admin Assistants, should be attending the induction run from the Academy.
Administrative Assistant Handbook not up to date
This has been acknowledged and is currently under review to bring it up to date.
Field Officer safety issues
The PSA had tabled a number of Field Officer concerns that were discussed in an out of session meeting with the Director Strategic Operational Management. The following items remain outstanding:
- Access to Guidelines for Field Officers
- Safety of field officers on shift with offenders – the PSA has requested a risk assessment of this practice.
- Mobile phones on shift – the PSA has requested confirmation that all Field Officers have been assigned a mobile phone.
Senior Community Corrections Officer progression
The PSA has requested for Community Corrections to consider undertaking the SCCO intake twice a year instead of once. This proposal is being considered.
Clarification of Unit Leader tasks
Community Corrections is of the view that whether it is reasonable for specific tasks to be required of specific Unit Leaders will need to take into account their overall workload and development goals. Members with concerns should discuss with their Manager in the first instance and contact their delegates or the PSA Member Support Centre if they are unable to resolve.
A review is currently underway regarding management structures, including Manager roles, responsibilities and work practices, Unit Leader roles, responsibilities and work practices, and workload models for these functions. This review should help further clarify delineation of roles and functions. The PSA was assured that any proposed changes would be put forward for consultation as part of the proper process.
Next Meeting
The next JCC meeting will take place in August. Members are encouraged to raise important collective matters they would like discussed through their CCDC delegates or PSA Industrial Staff below.
For any individual matter, please contact the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
Your CCDC delegates:
Bart Gale – Chair (Central West)
Lisa Matthews – Vice Chair (Metro Sydney)
Allison Roberts – Secretary (Metro Sydney)
Kellie Becquet – Assistant Secretary (South West)
Suzi Tubner (Admin Metro Sydney)
Hailey Robinson (Admin Regional)
Nerrissa O’Neill (North Coast)
Glenda Reid (North West)
Rachel Marsh (Newcastle/Hunter)
Jamie Turner (Newcastle/Hunter)
Tracy Wilson (Metro Sydney)
Your PSA Industrial Staff:
Roland Harris – Industrial Officer