Corrective Services NCDC – Admin and Stores review
Corrective Services NCDC – Admin and Stores review – June 2016 (PDF version)
Dear Members,
In the previous members bulletin dated 27 May, 2016 the PSA explained the Department’s request for further information regarding the alternate restructure documentation. This was provided to the Department at the request of Commissioner Newall. The agreed deadline for this information was Monday 30 May, 2016. You can see that bulletin HERE.
The PSA then requested further documents from the Department, including role descriptions, task lists for each grade, and the calculations used to assign grades to respective roles.
After consideration, the PSA believes the role descriptions and grades have been incorrectly calculated. For example, tasks are being assigned to incorrect grades. This is particularly evident in the Clerk General Scale and Clerk Grade 1/2 role descriptions.
In consultation with delegates and based on what we believe to be erroneous information, the PSA on behalf of our members provided the Department with a response. This stated that without clarification on the task list and grading calculations, the PSA could not in all good faith provide the information the Department has requested.
The PSA invited the Department to meet as a matter of urgency to resolve these inconsistencies.
The PSA also reiterates the Department must offer and pay a voluntary redundancy to any staff member who opts for a VR as a result of their role being made excess due to the restructure.
Finally the PSA urges members to continue providing your delegates with constructive alternatives to the Department restructure documentation.
Please see attached Managing Excess Employees Policy HERE.