Corrective Services NSW restructure and Non-Custodial Delegates Committee Joint Consultative Committee meeting
Thank you to all the members who have sent their questions and concerns through regarding the current restructure. The PSA recognises the uncertainty and stress felt by members pursuant to the restructure being announced. On 10 November 2022 the PSA met with Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) as part of our regular Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meetings. The restructure was the main item discussed. Below is a summary of the issues put to CSNSW by the PSA and CSNSW’s response.
Consultative meetings between the NCDC/PSA and CSNSW representatives specifically for each of the following areas:
- Education /ESC/APO
- Psychologists
- Sentence Admin/Classification
- S&I/OPM/continuous improvement
- Head office
This proposal was initially rejected by CSNSW, however, delegates highlighted the importance of such meetings as many member concerns related particularly to their respective areas. The PSA also emphasised that the current CSNSW working groups have not finished their work, therefore it would not be possible CSNSW to facilitate meaningful consultation if the structures for the different areas have not been determined. In response, CSNSW advised it would consider the PSA’s request
PSA questions sent to HR from members
The PSA has been sending questions to HR on behalf of members as they come through. Accordingly, we requested preliminary answers in preparation for the next CSNSW/PSA meeting so the meeting would be productive. In response, CSNSW advised that the questions sent through are very detailed and HR would have to work ‘top down’ from the most general questions about what is known regarding the structure to more specific concerns raised. CSNSW advised it would not be able to provide answers prior to the next consultative meeting.
Closure of facilities
The PSA asked whether the closure of facilities was on the table. CSNSW advised it could not provide an actual answer as the Minister was going to make an announcement. Nevertheless, CSNSW advised that they expect any ‘mothballing’ of facilities would be for the purposes of refurbishment and repair, and no facilities would be closed.
Workload for staff on CSNSW working groups
The PSA advised CSNSW that members in these working groups have taken on a lot of extra work and should be give more time off their usual duties to participate in the work of these groups. CSNSW advised that it would consider this proposal and that they acknowledge the extra work done by members.
Length of time for consultation
The PSA advised CSNSW that the time provided for consultation on the restructure was insufficient and everything will be rushed through. CSNSW responded and advised that they were confident with the time frame developed.
The PSA will consider further options if members believe consultation has not been properly facilitated by CSNSW.
Affect of restructure on the Psychology Award
CSNSW have advised the PSA that they will propose changes to this award. The PSA expected further information in September 2022, however nothing was forthcoming.
CSNSW advised that the content of the Award changes will not be affected by the restructuring. The PSA pressed CNSW for a time frame, however, there was no commitment from CSNSW. The PSA will, however, provide updates to members regarding progress on the matter.
A further meeting with CSNSW and the PSA is scheduled to be held this week (week starting 14 November) in relation to the restructure. Members will receive an update as soon as possible following this meeting.
Please see earlier bulletins on the restructure HERE and HERE.
Members may also find PSA information HERE regarding psychosocial hazards helpful during this stressful time.